24 Red Color Roses Bouquet

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24 Red Color Roses Bouquet
Do you want to make someone's day?
Then, this is the perfect bouquet for you! The 24 Red Color Roses Bouquet is a stunning arrangement of vibrant red roses that is sure to brighten anyone's day.
Features & Benefits:
- Fresh, beautiful roses: Our roses are hand-picked and arranged by a professional florist to ensure that they are fresh and beautiful.
- Vibrant red color: The red color of the roses is perfect for expressing your love and affection.
- Affordable: We offer affordable flower delivery to the Philippines.
How it works:
1. Choose the bouquet you would like to send.
2. Enter the recipient's information.
3. Choose a delivery date.
4. Check out and pay for your order.
5. We will deliver the bouquet to the recipient on the date you selected.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift card.


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