24 Pieces Soft and Hot Pink Rose Bouquet with Mocha Birthday Cake by Red Ribbon
This bouquet features a stunning combination of 24 soft and hot pink roses, arranged in a classic and elegant design. The bouquet is paired with a delicious Mocha Birthday Cake by Red Ribbon, a popular Filipino bakeshop known for its high-quality cakes and pastries. The soft and hot pink roses together create a perfect balance of elegance and playfulness, making it the ideal gift for any occasion, especially for birthdays. The Mocha Birthday Cake is a delicious and moist chocolate cake with mocha flavored buttercream, adding a touch of indulgence to the gift. This bouquet and cake combo is sure to make a lasting impression on the recipient.
Cake Size: (8x8)" Square & (8x12)" Square
Please Note: If this color roses are not available, then it would be replaced with the red color roses.
Please Note: In case of unavailability, this cake would be replaced with equal or greater value cake.
Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift card.
Delivery Area: Any part in the philippines.